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Why the Push for Efficiency is Causing us to be Less Effective

How can you outshine your competition?

Many companies have similar products so in the end it’s all   about speed. It’s simple, right? Not so fast.  While Amazon changed the landscape of deliveries and Uber Eats understood the value of on-time delivery, we are leading the movement to diminish lead times. Join us at Manufacturing in America at Ford Field to learn more about Quick Response Manufacturing and how can it can transform your culture. Get your product into a customer’s hands at a fraction of the time it would take your competitor. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with two of Dowding’s finest as they take you on a journey to the top.

Who: Jeff Metts (President), Dave Barrett (Corporate Training Manager)

What: Manufacturing in America 2020

Where: Ford Field, Visitor’s Locker Room

When: March 26 at 10 AM

Why: To teach you how to make your processes more efficient.